Monday, December 1, 2008


I truly have alot to be thankful for. I am so very blessed and I am grateful for all that I have. My family is the greatest blessing! They make me laugh and make my heart sing everyday!
We had a Fun Thanksgiving. We were able to visit both families. This is the first time in 10 years that we have been able to do that. Jim was off of work. It was GREAT! The only downside to that is that he has to work Christmas this year--SAD! We will try to make the best of it. We just love being together.

This weekend Jim was home Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We played all weekend and hated to see it end! Wednesday we had a girls night out and Sammy, Kenna, and I went to see Twilight. Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving with family-it was good to see them! Friday Jim and I were crazy and went shopping at 5 am. Then we went down to Nickelcade and played for a couple of hours. Friday night we rented movies and had pizza/movie night together. Saturday we decorated the house for Christmas then went bowling. It was so much fun to be together and just "hang out". We had no where to be and no plans-it was a very ENJOYABLE weekend.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Our vacation just went way too fast!! Its sad how 8 days flys by
in what seems like minutes! Our first day in Cali we went to
Disneyland. It was a little more crowded than we like it but we
still had a blast.
Day two we went to Huntington Beach-This
was the Highlight of our vacation. The kids
never wanted to leave. We had gone to the
dollar store and bought shovels and buckets. Even Noah seemed to love playing on the beach. Sam asked when Jim could quit his job so we could move closer to the beach. When we finally DRUG the kids away (kicking and screaming) from the beach to the hotel we had to rush to get ready for Mickey's Trick or Treat Halloween Party. Sammy was a witch, Kenna a scarecrow, Brendan was Indiana Jones, and Noah was Tigger. The kids were able to trick or treat but they didn't care about the candy, they wanted to dance, play and take pictures with the characters. I think Captain Jack Sparrow and Sulley were their favorites.
We spent Friday and Saturday at Disneyland too. Although the kids did ask to skip it and go back to the beach. (I just couldn't bear the thought of all the money we spent on tickets and then just not using them.) We promised that we would come back next year for an exclusive beach only vacation.
Sunday we went down to Sea World. The kids LOVED Seaworld!!! They have alot more interactive areas now. They loved touching and holding different sea animals. The Sea Lion show was their favorite! They had a part where they acted out Scooby Doo and Michael Jackson's thriller with the sea lions. The kids were rolling with laughter!
Then we went back to Disneyland Monday and Tuesday. There were ALOT less people and it made it more enjoyable. We didn't have to wait in long lines and the kids were able to ride all of their favorite rides. Noah LOVED the Winnie the Pooh ride and Autopia. On Autopia I let him drive so we crashed over and over again. He giggled everytime we bumped. Brendan loved the Tower of Terror and was very enthusiastic about teasing me because I don't like that ride at all! Mckenna loved California Screamin and Splash Mountain. Sammy loved the Maliboomer and Splash Mountain. I definitely live thru my children. I truly enjoyed watching them laugh and have fun!
I think the only thing I would have planned differently was a plane flight home earlier. By 10p.m. Noah was done with that flight!! We really had a good time. I am so grateful that we were able to spend this time as a family!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I just had to post this!! While I was downstairs blogging I thought NOAH was upstairs asleep! OH no--he was upstairs decorating all of his stuffed animals with Mckenna's play make-up! Unfortunately he can open doors now--SCARY! He is SOOOO mischievious!!!

Sammy came home early from school because she was sick today. I think she just needed a little "MOM TIME". It has been SOO nice. I love having my kids home. We have watched TV and just snuggled on the couch. She is getting older and seems to always have somewhere to be or someone here playing with her. So I have truly enjoyed today!

She is growing up too fast! She is everything I wasn't but wanted to be in school. She is very outgoing, social, and well-liked. We are constantly told that she is a "Born leader." She is very athletic and just made it into the lunch intermural finals for doing the limbo. She also took 5th or 6th place in the 50 yard dash (which I thought was pretty amazing seen as she had not ran or trained in anyway for the summer.) She has a big heart and wants to "do the right thing." She is an amazing example to me!

Mckenna---WOW! She continues to play the piano, which I am throughly enjoying listening to. She is learning to play hymns and it has definitely added a peacefulness to our home. She is also playing the violin. She is in 4th grade but plays with the 5th graders for orchestra. She also was selected to be a Mountain West Strings Ambassador this year. This truly is an honor especially since they only allow 5th graders to do this. She is so humble and says, "Well I am a 2nd string." I don't think she realizes how proud of her I am--she shouldn't even qualify to be a 2nd string so it definitely says something about her talents!! She continues to LOVE school, homework, and learning. She is a sponge that just can't seem to get enough information.
She bears her testimony nearly every fast and testimony meeting. She has such a strong testimony and it is so pure! She is amazing!

Brendan--such a CUTIE!! He is six now and in Kindergarten. He is a barrel of energy and fun! Always wants to be playing a game, building legos, or outside doing something. He definitely looks up to his DAD! If Jim is doing anything Brendan wants to be right there helping out.
He has a HUGE heart! I sprained my ankle and tore the ligaments last week and Brendan has been my angel. He would run and get things or say, "Mom, sit down and let me do it." He LOVES playing with friends and last week he said, "Mom I won't go play so I can stay and help you." He is going to make an awesome husband and father someday! I love his tender heart!!

Noah is now two--that says it all!! He goes from loveable to terror in 2 seconds! He definitely knows what he wants and how to get it! But he is the most loving little boy. I was just laying him down for a nap and as I lay there "faking asleep" he touches my nose and says, "nose" then kisses my nose. Then says, "eyes" then kisses my eyes etc. He babbles and sings and just makes me giggle when I watch him. He also has the mischievious side to him. Give him 1 free minute and he will have "powdered the bathroom", decorated the pantry shelves with green marker, or poured his juice into every pan he can find. (As you can tell he has done ALL of these things and more!) He is FUN FUN FUN!!! When I stop him in the act of destruction he will look at me with those big brown eyes and smile the cutest little grin that says, 'How can you be mad at me?" I Love his cute little personality!!

Jim--the Love of my Life!! That says it all!!! My love truly does continue to grow everyday for him. I could not have married a more perfect husband!! He is so good to me!! He makes life enjoyable!! I know how hard he works to make a "Good Life" for our family! He continues to be a "Kid at Heart" and LOVES to play!! Believe it or not he is the one who couldn't wait 6 more months for Disneyland so we went in October this time. He is also the one that just had to get the boat and the
4-wheeler. Not that I am complaining-because I an NOT! We have created many UNFORGETTABLE moments with these toys!!! But he truly is a still a kid! He wants the best for his family and is always finding some new adventure for us!!! He is AMAZING and I Love him with ALL of my heart!! I can't even begin to imagine this life without him-I would be a LOST soul!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Kids

I have been bugged about starting this for way TOO long. I try to keep in touch with everyone but I am not as good at this as I should be. I am telling myself that I can do this at least once a week and then everyone can be updated about our lives.

We are a happy family that feels very blessed!!